



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OK, so you?re having a bad day, maybe a whole slew of them in rapid.succession. You?ve tried whining, you?ve tried complaining and nobody.cares. After all this, you are just about to settle on abject, pitiful.despair as the best solution when you stumble across this book and you.think to yourself: “Finally, here is something I hadn?t thought of:.reading a book of booger humor.”. .Written by Ben Goode . .104 pages. Paperback .Suggested Retail $7.95 . .

SKU: 2-1017 Category:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OK, so you?re having a bad day, maybe a whole slew of them in rapid.succession. You?ve tried whining, you?ve tried complaining and nobody.cares. After all this, you are just about to settle on abject, pitiful.despair as the best solution when you stumble across this book and you.think to yourself: “Finally, here is something I hadn?t thought of:.reading a book of booger humor.”. .Written by Ben Goode . .104 pages. Paperback .Suggested Retail $7.95 . .


Condition:  new

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